‘Plantlife’ exhibition at Fen Ditton Gallery, Cambridge 10th Oct – 15th Nov 2020

All exhibits are for sale and a proportion of sale proceeds will go to support Plantlife’s campaign for better management of road verges.

This exhibition is open 10th October - 15th November 2020
Opening times are Saturdays and Sundays from 11am - 5pm
Other appointments are available by appointment: please contact us on info@fendittongallery.com to book
Exhibiting artists: Malcolm Appleby, Lotte Attwood, Jonathan Buckley, Pauline Burbidge, Daphne Carnegy, Katharine Coleman, Andy English, Lizzie Farey, Studio Gillies Jones, Nigel Hall RA, Paul Hart, Annie Hewett, Rebecca Jewell, Barbara McGirr, Jane Perryman, Frances Priest, Anna Raven, Susie Turner