Introduction to Printmaking with Photopolymer Plates / Solarplate

This one day workshop will introduce participants to a new form of printmaking for artists. Printmaking with photopolymer plates or solarplate is simple, safe, and versatile whereby an artwork, made on transparent material, is placed in close contact with a light sensitive plate. The plate is then exposed to sunlight or an artificial source of UV light and developed in tap water. The method is easy to learn - previous knowledge and experience of printmaking processes and materials is not essential.
Susie Turner, is a professional artist-printmaker who regularly delivers talks and demonstrations about traditional and contemporary methods of fine art printmaking. In the last five years Susie has worked extensively with Photopolymer Plates. This one day workshop will allow participants the opportunity to work closely with Susie within her own studio and learn simple techniques of Printmaking with Photopolymer Plates.
Dates: Saturday 25th May, 22nd June, 27th July or 21st September 2013
Time: 10am - 4.00pm
Cost of workshop: £85.00 including all printmaking materials plus 2 x A5 solar plates
Max number of participants: 4
Printroom, The Old Station, Station Road, Stow-cum-Quy, Cambridge CB25 9AJ
For further information about forthcoming workshops in 2014, please join the mailing list here:
contact Susie Turner
Bespoke and one-to-one workshops also available