Residency at Hoe Fen, Anglesey Abbey, National Trust 2013-14
Residency at Hoe Fen, Anglesey Abbey, National Trust 2013-14
Woodland Printing - April/May 2014
As part of my residency at Anglesey Abbey, in April and May I will be running some print based workshops for Cambridge Mencap and Rowan Humberstone in association with the National Trust.
The workshops are taking place outside, in the discovery cabin at Hoe Fens’ Woodland Wildlife Discovery Area, a ‘wild space’ beyond the stately home and formal gardens of Anglesey Abbey in Lode, east of Cambridge.
Participants will learn how to transfer drawings and found material into colourful fine art prints used traditional methods of fine art printmaking.
Sharing Day
Printmaking for National Trust Family Engagement Volunteers, June 2014
As artist-in residence volunteer at Anglesey Abbey I shared my skills and knowledge with other volunteers involved in education and family engagement. Participants made prints using techniques of drypoint and monotype.
Easter Trail project – April 2014
In collaboration with National Trust and St Philips Primary School, Cambridge, I was commissioned to transfer a set of children’s drawings onto relief plates to be used as rubbings for the woodland walk at Anglesey Abbey in Lode.